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Magnesium Flakes are a naturally occurring compound called Magnesium Chloride. Magnesium Chloride naturally occurs in the ocean - Mg + Cl (2), which makes it a salt. Magnesium Chloride is also present in our bodies in the intercellular fluid. We source our Magnesium Flakes from the Zechstein source in Northern Europe. The brine (salty water) is drawn up from deep under the earth and then dried into flakes.


Both these bath salts are naturally occurring, and both are sources of Magnesium, but they are actually different compounds. Magnesium Flakes are Magnesium Chloride and Epsom Salt is Magnesium Sulphate.

There are many reasons why someone could be deficient in Magnesium. These include:

  • Lower levels of Magnesium in our food due to farming practices and food processing techniques
  • Many magnesium products (such as supplements) have poor bioavailability
  • Common medications (eg for stomach acid and heartburn) increase excretion of magnesium from the body.

The best way to increase your Magnesium levels is by taking oral supplements PLUS through transdermal absorption (ie a Magnesium bath, or magnesium skin products). The most bioavailable oral supplement is Magnesium Citrate, however with a daily requirement of 400mg/day, this is not possible to get through oral supplement alone. Adding Magnesium baths, massages or sprays to your routine will ensure your Magnesium intake is adequate.


Bath Salts

What are the different types of bath salts?

There are many different types of bath salts. Most are natural minerals that are sourced from the ground. Himalayan Salt is a rock salt (an ancient Sea Salt) that has high mineral content (hence its pink colour). Epsom Salts are Magnesium Sulphate. Natural Epsom Salts are sourced from an ancient deposit in Germany. Magnesium Flakes (Magnesium Chloride) is also sourced from northern Europe from an ancient deposit formed millions of years ago. Dead Sea salts are a particularly mineral rich sea salt that is specific to Dead Sea. All the Bath Salts ranged by The Salt Box are natural, and sustainably sourced, however many other brands available are artificially manufactured in factories.

Why should I use bath salts?

The benefits of bathing in a salt bath are many and varied, but overall it is about improving your wellness. Bath salts have long been regarded as an effective way of pampering skin, with long lasting hydrating benefits for dry skin conditions. Dead Sea Salts and Himalayan Pink Salt contain many trace minerals, and Magnesium Flakes and Epsom Salt are high in Magnesium.

Are all bath salts natural?

No. All the bath salts ranged at The Salt Box are 100% natural, and sustainably sourced from authentic locations around the world. We only source salts of the highest quality which do not require cleaning. However, many brands of Epsom Salt are artificially manufactured in factories. Some bath salts of lower quality are cleaned using non-natural methods.

Can you mix different bath salts together?

Yes. Bath salt can be mixed together to combine the benefits of more than one type of mineral salt. Why not try and blend your own bath salt soak, using Epsom Salt, Himalayan Pink Salt, Dead Sea Salt, and even our Hawaiian Black Salt with Activated Charcoal. Adding essential oils brings additional wellness benefits.


 What Is The Difference Between Essential Oils & Carrier Oils?

In summary, an Essential Oil is a concentrated oil from the plant in which they were extracted and contains volatile aroma compounds from that plant. A Carrier Oil does not contain a concentrated aroma, though some may have a mild distinctive smell. Neither do they evaporate like essential oils. Carrier oils are known as a base or vegetable oil and are named Carrier as they ‘carry’ the essential oil onto the skin.


Essential Oils

Carrier Oils


  • Extracted from non-fatty plant parts such as leaves, buds, flowers, stems, roots, bark, etc.
  • Most commonly obtained by a steam distillation process (although many citrus oils are obtained by a cold pressing method)
  • Most commonly vegetable oils
  • Extracted from the fatty parts of the plant, such as the nuts, seeds, kernels, or fruit pulp
  • Usually obtained by cold or mechanical pressing

Chemical Properties

  • Oils are volatile and evaporate very quickly, especially when exposed to light 
  • Can eat into plastic which is why they should be sold and stored in glass (preferably tinted), or aluminium bottles
  • Don't tend to easily evaporate or degrade


  • Usually thin in consistency
  • Strong aroma
  • Commonly used in aromatherapy for therapeutic properties
  • Also used in the fine perfumery industry
  • Much thicker and oilier
  • Mild aroma (if any at all)
  • Can be Refined to remove colour and odour


  • Highly potent and concentrated oils
  • Should not be applied directly to the skin as this can cause severe skin irritations or even burn the skin
  • When using topically, it is recommended to ALWAYS dilute Essential Oils in a Carrier Oil prior to skin application.
  • Not very potent or concentrated and can usually be applied directly to the skin without causing any irritation (provided the individual does not have any allergies to the particular nut/plant/oil)


Are Your Essential & Carrier Oils Organic?

We do offer a range of Certified Organic oils, which is continually growing. Our Australian Certified Organic (ACO) range of oils are all clearly labelled. If you require assurance that the oil was grown and processed organically, and follows the organic standards, we recommend you purchase from our range of Certified Organic oils. As many small farmers cannot afford to certify their organically grown plants, the only real way to guarantee the oil is organic, is to purchase those that are certified organic by a third party organization.

Can Your Essential Oils Be Taken Internally?

Not recommended.

Essential oils are highly concentrated and powerful oils, and have the ability to cause serious harm if ingested without the necessary knowledge required. Ingesting Essential oils should only ever be done under the direction of someone who is qualified and fully understands the chemical elements and precautions of each individual oil.

Do I Need To Dilute Essential Oils When Using Topically?

It is highly recommended to dilute all pure essential oils prior to applying topically. Essential oils are highly potent, concentrated and powerful oils, and can cause severe skin irritations or even burn the skin when not diluted. Essential Oils are also volatile, therefore when diluted with a non-volatile material (carrier oil), it makes the evaporation process much slower and allows the essential oil to be ‘carried’ into the skin, providing a more effective therapeutic outcome.
